A time to complain

A time to complain

Asked a friend to kayak recently

I typically go alone

My goal


About all things me

What I was going thru

My frustrations with life

We got in our kayaks

I ask the lead in question ‘so how are things going?’

‘Not good’, her reply

She then proceeded to share about issues with their marriage


The kids acting out

And all things

Much bigger than any of my complaints

And we both left that night



Filled with happy

Empty for the moment

Of any complaints

Mirrored Reflection.

Mirrored Reflection.

I look her into her eyes.

She stares back blankly.

No. He won’t be invited in.

I say the words to her but mean them for us.

She stares back, saying nothing.

No. We won’t let him in.

She returns my image. Saying nothing.

I turn my head so she won’t see the tear rolling down my cheek. I have to protect her.

I look back at her and see the tear slowly roll down her cheek.

It’s for the best. I’m always looking out for us.

The single tear drops, splashing onto the counter.

She doesn’t understand, but reflections in the mirror rarely do.